Can Dogs Eat Plantain or Not?


Here is one of the common questions among dog owners – Can Dogs Eat Plantain or Not? The short answer is YES, but what matters is the way you give this fruit, the amount, what are the benefits of plantain, and how your dog can react if you overdo it with this fruit. Dog owners … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Goldfish Crackers?


Can Dogs Eat Goldfish Crackers and would it do harm to their health? Most of us humans enjoy the delicious flavor of the popular Goldfish crackers that are bite-sized and so perfectly crunchy! The sound of opening a new pack of Goldfish crackers is enough to grab your canine friends’ attention. The smell of these … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Goji Berries?


Can dogs eat goji berries? Since there are plenty of nutritional doggy treats on the market, it is easy to find healthy alternatives for your pup. However, many dog treats that are good for your dog tend to be pricey. One can also never be sure enough about how healthy they are. Therefore the easiest … Read more

Do Cats Masturbate


Masturbation and humping are something usually attributed to canines. Most people don’t know do cats masturbate and whether this is a normal process or not. Sometimes, you might catch your male cat unmistakably moving his hips, rubbing himself on some object. Oftentimes, this object can even be your lap. While some people get creeped out … Read more

Will Cats Share A Litter Box?


Felines are territorial creatures that aren’t fond of sharing things. The same goes for their potty place. If you have several pets, will cats share a litter box or do you have to have more than one? Most cats can learn to share food bowls and toys. They can play together and drink together. Some … Read more

How To Get Dog Pee Out Of Rug with Hard Stains?


If you’re having a pup in training, you have probably experienced a few potty accidents. This can sometimes happen even if your dog knows to go outside. Every owner understands that knowing how to get dog pee out of rug is tricky. Still, if you don’t do it the right way, the smell might be … Read more

How To Get A Dog Unstoned?


Finding out that your pooch ate your stash is probably an instant buzz kill. However, what should worry you more is the health of your dog. Knowing how to get a dog unstoned can be crucial in such moments. Don’t worry, even though your pup ate your pot brownie, he’ll probably be okay. Still, marijuana … Read more

Why Do Dogs Fart So Much?


No matter how much you love dogs, you have to admit they are a bit… smelly sometimes. Many owners are embarrassed to talk about that. Even fewer know why do dogs fart so much and if they are experiencing stomach pain or is this normal. Dogs don’t really care that their farts are an inconvenience … Read more

How Dogs Cry For Help


Every owner knows that face. Your dog will lower his ears, lower his snout, and look at you with watery eyes. Most people will assume a dog is crying and asking for help. However, is this truly the way how dogs cry for help? How can you know if your dog is in pain or … Read more

Can Dogs Drink Rain Water?


Nothing beats looking at your dog playfully jumping into a puddle of water after a rainstorm. The smell of rain is in the air, and you can watch your pup enjoying his time outdoors. From time to time, though, canines tend to lap up from the poodles. So, can dogs drink rain water, or is … Read more