Are Rottweilers Easy To Train?

You might know Rottweilers as a “Dangerous” breed, but if you actually own one, then you know how loyal and sweet these pups can be. However, they do have strict character and require a lot of training from a young age to ensure they socialize well with other people and animals and don’t cause any harm.So, are Rottweilers easy to train?

Or does the fact that they require a lot of training mean they are difficult to train?

Actually, not at all. Rottweilers are famous for being one of the most intelligent dog breeds, and as such, Rottweilers tend to be easier to train. Although they are a bit stubborn, training your Rottweiler shouldn’t be a too challenging task.

Rottweilers learn commands faster than many other dog breeds. Some aspects of training, such as being a guard dog, may be easier for your Rottweiler to learn than others. [1]

Are Rottweilers Easy To Train?


According to research, Rottweiler is an easy-to-train breed as they are ranked 9th out of 200 intelligent dog breeds. However, it always depends on the dog and the owner’s approach. [2]

Before you begin to train your Rottweiler, get some tips from the breeder. Learn about your future dog’s temperament how he handles things, and keep in mind that every dog is different, and a common approach might not fully work on your pup.

Rottweilers love being busy and working. This makes the breed even easier to train. They are always willing to learn new things and push their limits. However, note that while they love it, they get bored too, so owners should not take their natural character for granted. Your dog needs a strict but loving owner for the training to run smoothly.

Moreover, Rottweilers seem to love getting compliments when they behave well. Be sure to maintain an encouraging attitude during training, as this will show your dog that what he is doing is a good thing. Rottweilers are highly encouraged with the fact that when they do well, you will treat them well too.

However, there is still a reason why Rottweilers are among the most dangerous killer breeds. These dogs’ massive bodies, strong jaws, and posture can cause severe accidents. Thus, owners should take training procedures slowly and patiently to help their Rottweiler reach its full potential.

Rottweiler Training Secrets


The biggest secret of rottweiler training that will help you maximize your results is choosing the right age for it. At what age do professionals recommend to start training your pup?

Choose The Right Age

Training a Rottweiler puppy between 8 and 16 weeks (up to 20 weeks) is like using a dry sponge in a pool. Puppies absorb everything you show them and always look for more things to do and learn. At such a young age, their body is not producing hormones, which is why the success rate is so high.

With no hormones, he’s focused on his owner and isn’t too interested in investigating other places, dogs, people, etc. They learn to consider you as their leader-the, the one who provides their food, water, shelter, and safety.

As he starts seeing you as a leader, the puppy will cling to you and always try to be nearby. He will usually follow you everywhere around the house, watch you when you’re outside with him, and react to people and animals you encounter. [3]

If you greet your friends warmly, your Rottweiler will learn to welcome them too happily. However, if you are hesitant or worried about a stranger approaching you, the puppy will respond accordingly.

Involve Professionals For Adult Rottweiler Training


If you miss the puppy phase for training, hormones will get in your way and make the training procedure harder.

Once puppies start producing hormones, their natural curiosity kicks in, and they start exploring the world around them. You will notice that the untrained Rottweiler dog will begin moving away from you, even ignoring your commands to stay close.

If you happen to adopt a grown-up Rottweiler, it’s strongly recommended to hire a professional trainer, as inexperienced owners often irritate the stubborn Rotties, resulting in fatal results.

Thus, it is recommended to start training Rottweiler puppies from the correct age or find professional help to avoid these circumstances. [4]

Avoid Yelling Or Hitting

Everyone makes mistakes, including dogs. Therefore, it is the owners’ responsibility to teach their dogs what is right and wrong. If your dog does something bad or doesn’t listen, avoid yelling or hitting him. They may cause the training process to take longer and become aggressive towards you.

Instead, take a calm but harsh approach when correcting them. Teach them that you are their master. Teaching is one of the best times for the bond between you to grow. [5]

Socialization From A Young Age

It is crucial to introduce your Rottweiler to other dogs and people when they are young. Not only does it familiarize them with others, but it also helps them not be aggressive in public.

An excellent way to practice it is to take them to the dog park. It’s best to keep them on a leash at first because you want to make sure they get along well with other dogs.

Also, it is essential to train your Rottweiler to walk on a leash. It’s an excellent way for them to meet other dogs and other people. If you train on a leash, be sure to teach them to walk by your side and not pull you as they may do that. Remember to reward them if they listen to you. [6]

How To Train A Rottweiler Puppy To Sit?


One of the first tricks every owner wants to teach their puppy is how to make them sit. Once your Rottie learns to follow your “sit” command, you can control their behavior ease their anger towards other humans, animals, etc.

So how do you teach your Rottweiler puppy to sit?

First of all, be proactive – every time he sits alone, say the word “sit” and praise him in a warm voice.

Hold the treat and make sure they can see it at nose level. Gently move the snack up onto their head. Their natural reaction should be to follow your hand and gradually sit down.

Once your Rottweiler’s little bottom is entirely on the ground, say “Sit,” offer him a treat, and give him lots of compliments.

Don’t worry if your pup won’t stay in the position for a long time, as it was only the first attempt, and he will improve it on the next attempts.

Repeat the trick multiple times a day, and he will gradually remember to associate the word “sit” with the action and treats. Rottweilers, as I said, are naturally intelligent animals and will quickly get trained for sitting. [7]

Are Rottweilers Easy To Potty Train?

Given the nature of the Rottweiler, potty training isn’t a daunting task either. Rottweilers and dogs, in general, are clean animals and will not stay near their assisting territory unless forced to do so. In these cases, they become dirty dogs, often for life.

So, potty training a Rottweiler is a relatively easy task. Potty training starts with crate training. You’ll need to line your Rottweiler’s crate with a clean towel or mat, then provide a toy, and that’s it.

Avoid putting a food bowl or water inside the cage, as food and drink will activate your puppy’s digestive process and ultimately defeat your purpose. It will be very uncomfortable for a puppy, and he will definitely try to “hold” it.

You should take your Rottweiler puppy for a walk to release after eating, playing, or notice him sniffing and circling around as soon as he wakes up in the morning, as it’s usually a sign he wants to urinate or defecate.

For puppies less than ten weeks old, taking him for a walk every hour is required. However, don’t stress out. They learn to control the bladder, naturally set up a schedule, and ask for a release walk only twice or three times a day as they grow up.

Also, it’s recommended to keep release trips short. Do not stay for more than five or six minutes, then return to the house. If he releases and leaves within this time, give him lots of praise and bring him indoors immediately.

What Makes Rottweiler Training Difficult?


Even though Rottweilers are an easily trainable breed, some aspects still make them hard to control and obey.

As controversial as it sounds, the intelligence of Rottweilers often affects their trainability in the wrong way. If your Rottweiler does not obey your commands, he might just do not feel like doing your “stupid” game.

Rottweilers don’t seem to like doing things over and over again. It can make them not really want to learn something. Also, they might not find the treats and praises encouraging enough to repeat and repeat your trick.

So, owners, keep going forward patiently, think of the best encouragement methods your Rottie would love, repeat the actions several times a day, and you’ll definitely reach your result. However, it’s recommended not to spend more than 10-15 minutes each training to avoid your Rottweiler getting bored with it.

Moreover, Rottweilers are strong-willed dogs. When you train your Rottweiler, they will sometimes try to claim to be an alpha, even if they are puppies. Although they will catch on quickly, make sure you establish yourself as a “leader” from an early stage because if your Rottie pup does not see you as a leader, it will be practically impossible to control and obey him.

Rottweiler Training Price ( In US )


Training one of the most dangerous dog breeds on your own might seem a big responsibility. Thus, it is recommended to seek professional trainers and ensure your pup is trained 100% accurately and correctly.

It can take a while for your dog to learn good habits or get rid of bad ones. Some people prefer to send the dog away for a few weeks for intensive training, while others prefer weekly group classes.

Regardless, owners should have a clear idea of ​​the ultimate goal of their dog’s behavior and obedience training from the outset. No matter which route you choose, all dogs must be vaccinated before training begins, and everything the dog trainer teaches you must be repeated at home.

Rottweilers themselves are expensive dogs, and training them is also not cheap. However, it is essential. Group dog training usually ranges from $30 to $50 per session, while personal training ranges from $45 to $120 per hour. For boot camp or obedience school, expect to pay anywhere from $35 to $75 per day.

I personally strongly recommend group training for your Rottweiler pup, as it will help them socialize from a young age and improve communication skills with the dog through positive reinforcement.

Also, if owners wish to memorize all commands and training tools, group obedience classes are a better long-term option.

There are different obedience training programs available at dog training centers.

Starting with puppy courses, basic training, adult courses, and finishing advanced training as standard, you can find a suitable class for your pup.

Agility classes are great fun for kids and their dogs and make a great summer camp experience. [8]


To sum up, Rottweilers are quite easily trainable dogs. You can shape and train their stubborn and strict character with a proper approach. Ask for recommendations, seek professional advice, and ruin the stereotypes of rottweilers being killer dogs!