Can dogs eat Takis you may wonder? Nothing beats relaxing with a cold drink and a bag of Takis! Less relaxing is the feeling of guilt when your dog is watching you indulge in some yummy snacks.
And God forbid you to spill a few Takis on the floor! Your dog will be right there acting as a vacuum!
Continue reading, so next time you are opening a new bag, you don’t need to wonder if dogs can have Takis. This article will clear up all the mysteries and help you make an informed decision.
Can Dogs Eat Takis?
There are various reasons why Takis are not suitable for dogs. Among these reasons are spices. Takis are too hot for dogs!
Dogs need a properly balanced diet to stay healthy. In most cases, if we introduce human food, we are not adding any nutritional value.
Sure, there are plenty of great human foods for dogs, but snacks like Takis are not one of them.
Many dogs might not have an adverse reaction to the ingredients these yummy snacks contain.
However, it is better not to take the risk. If your dog does sneak a taste, chances are he would be fine. Nevertheless, deliberately feeding your dog Takis is not a good idea.
What Are Takis And What Do They Contain?
For those who are not familiar with Takis, Takis are tortillas snacks that resemble rolled tacos. It is crunchy and coated with salsa, and seasoned with lemon powder.
Takis, come in four flavored variations: Fuego, Salsa Brava, Takis Nitro, and Crunchy Fajita.
Any pet owner wondering, “is Takis good for dogs?” can simply read the label to find the answer. These snacks are made with corn and are packed with spices, fats, and calories.
There is no nutritional value in Takis which means that Takis are not good for dogs. Takis can contribute to weight gain in dogs as they contain 230 calories in one bag.
The main offenders in Takis are salt and garlic, and onion powder. You may already be aware that you do not have to add salt to your dog’s diet.
Too much salt daily can lead to Sodium-ion poisoning. A dog that eats too many Takis will have excessive thirst, and it can even cause vomiting.
Furthermore, garlic and onion are incredibly toxic for dogs. These ingredients target the red blood cells in canines, causing them to rupture.
This process is slow but can be deadly if your dog eats food with these ingredients regularly. When red blood cells are destroyed, it will result in anemia.
It can also cause increased heart rate, elevated respiration, and often death. Therefore it is best to keep Takis away from dogs, especially if they contain garlic and onion powder.
What Happens If A Dog Eats Takis?
As mentioned previously, too much Takis can lead to weight gain in dogs. But even if you don’t feed Takis to your dog regularly, the introduction can lead to problems.
Like humans, dogs can get addicted to junk food, leading to regular dog food refusal. Once this happens, you have an issue that can contribute to weight gain in dogs and health consequences.
Can dogs eat hot Takis?
One of the main reasons why Takis are not suitable for dogs is because they are spicy. Spicy food, in general, is not safe for dogs to eat.
If you feed your dog some Takis, you might notice him coughing and running to his water bowl. This is because the chili in Takis can burn the inside of your dog’s throat.
Therefore dogs eating Takis can have an unpleasant experience.
Is it bad for dogs to eat Takis when they have food allergies?
Takis should not be given to dogs prone to an allergic reactions to certain foods. Takis may contain ingredients and additives that your dog is allergic to, leading to a visit to the vet.
Even if your dog does not have problems with allergies, Takis can still cause some adverse symptoms. The spices in this snack can cause diarrhea and discomfort.
Other effects might be gastrointestinal pain, inflammation of the pancreas, throat burn, and flatulence.
Keep in mind that dogs are much more sensitive than humans. Therefore side effects to their throat or stomach will be much worse than what you experience.
What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate Takis?
What happens if your dog eats Takis will depend on various factors. The age and condition of your dog, the amount he ate, and his sensitivity to particular foods.
Nonetheless, if your dog ate a few Takis while you weren’t watching, don’t panic! He might drink more water than usual or become gassier, but in most cases, your dog will be fine.
If, however, you already know that your dog is allergic to certain ingredients in Takis, you should call a vet asap! Otherwise, the best thing you can do is to keep an eye on your dog.
A dog whose system responds negatively to Takis will show signs. For instance, you might see a behavior change, like weakness or lethargy.
Diarrhea and vomiting are signs of an upset stomach; thus, his system is trying to eliminate toxins.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction should be taken seriously! For example, itching, sneezing, itchy paws, hot spots, skin rashes, scaly, pigmented skin, and leathery skin texture.
In such a case, you should avoid giving your dog Takis and contact the vet for advice.
To round it all up, if your dog ate a few Takis while unsupervised, he would be fine in most cases.
Your dog might suffer some short-term side effects that you can handle at home by giving him plenty of water.
Any severe side effects should be reported to your vet immediately to help your dog recover faster.
Which Snacks Are A Better Alternative For Dogs?
Most foods that we consider as snacks, like Takis or Goldfish crackers are not suitable for dogs. This is because most of them contain additives and ingredients that might be toxic for dogs.
However, this does not mean you can’t feed your dog human food at all. Anything that you feed your dog in between his regular meals can be considered a doggy-snack.
The goal is to try and keep it as healthy as possible. In this way, you are treating your dog and adding to his nutritional intake as well.
There are plenty of natural healthy foods you can offer your dog as a treat. Here are just a few:
- Apples
- Carrots,
- Watermelon
- Bananas
- Broccoli
- Goji berries
- Green beans
- Eggs
- Peas
Another option is to look into homemade dog biscuits. Homemade treats help to save money and give you peace of mind as you know what they contain.
It is best to keep dog treats in small amounts, so they don’t interfere with regular mealtime. A little piece of something healthy can be given as a reward or while you are snacking away on those Takis.
Why You Should Not Let Your Dog Beg For Food?
Dogs that are not trained not to beg will almost always beg for food. This is why they will beg for Takis once they sniff the intense flavors.
Begging for food or attention is a natural habit for dogs. This might be cute for some dog owners, but it can interfere with your dog’s diet.
Begging for food is a bad habit as it is a form of demand, which gives a dog an aspect of control within the family.
Once you give in to your dog begging for food, you are not just compromising his diet but giving him control over you as well. Behavior like this can even lead to more aggression.
Eliminate food begging with proper training
The best time to start training your dog is when he is a pup. By instilling rules early on, your dog will have good eating manners and respect you as a calm-in-control leader.
Dogs should be trained to sit still and stay in a specific area during family mealtimes. Training may take some time.
However, it will pay off, and you will not have problems with food begging. Praising your dog for his good actions is also recommended.
If you are dealing with an older dog, training will be more difficult. However, everything’s not lost.
Even older dogs can be trained not to beg for food. One option is to approach a dog trainer who can help you during the training process.
Read Also: Can Dogs Eat Hickory Nuts
The answer to the question “can dogs eat Takis?” should be pretty clear by now. If you are a pet owner who cares for your dog’s health, you will not feed your dog Takis.
Or any other types of junk food, for that matter.
Takis will not do your pup much harm if he only eats a couple, but it is wise to monitor him afterward. Any food that is introduced to your dog for the first time should be done cautiously.
Since you never know what your dog may be allergic to, introducing new foods should be done in small amounts and on an irregular basis.
If you want to keep your dog healthy and treat him simultaneously, there are plenty of human foods that are a better alternative for your dog.
Training your dog to not beg for food is essential to instill good manners and avoid problems later on.
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