If you’ve spent some time reading pet articles, you probably know sweets aren’t suitable for dogs.
In fact, one of the few sweet things vets recommend dogs eat is some fruits such as jackfruit. This probably makes you wonder, can dogs eat apples?
Apples are one of the most popular fruits out there. If you don’t know what fruit you want, chances are you’ll buy apples.
This probably makes you want to share some with your four-legged companion. Before you do that, you have to know can dogs eat apples or will this create issues for their health.
Can Dogs Eat Apples?
In short, yes, your dog can eat an apple as a healthy snack. However, there are some things you need to know to ensure your dog is perfectly safe.
Apples are low in calories, which makes them perfect as a dog treat. In fact, they are filled with useful nutrients that are great for canines. They are high in fiber and low in protein.
If your dog has a restrictive diet, apples might be a great choice. Most dogs with gastrointestinal problems need to be on a low-protein diet.
If you can’t find a good treat for them, this fruit can serve as a replacement.
The same goes if you have a senior dog that needs to have a heavily monitored diet.
Not just that, but apples are filled with vitamins. They contain a high amount of vitamins A, C, and K. Also, they have phosphorus and calcium, making them great for bone health.
They also have many antioxidants, which lower cancer risk and improve the overall health and immunity system. Not to mention that eating apples improve your pet’s dental health and gets rid of bad breath!
Still, you have to be moderate with them, as too much of anything isn’t good.
Can Apples Be Unhealthy?
There are a few things that concern pet owners when it comes to feeding their dogs apples. One of the main concerns is can dogs eat apples with skin, and the answer isn’t simple.
There is nothing damaging in the apple’s skin on its own. However, most apples bought in a supermarket are coated with various artificial substances.
Their skin can be covered in pesticides and chemicals that make apples look shiny.
It would be best to try to buy organic apples instead of those found in big stores.
Apple seeds are a whole other story. They contain a small portion of cyanide, which we all know is one of the most toxic chemicals.
This is only in trace amounts, so your dog won’t experience any issues if he swallows a few of them.
In fact, getting cyanide poisoning from apple seeds is really rare. However, it would be best to avoid this risk whatsoever. Simply take the seeds from the apple before giving it to your pet.
Also, stems and apple core should be disposed of, as well. Both can be rather difficult to chew and present a choking hazard.
Also, they can cause gastrointestinal blockage if swallowed. You’d want to keep them away from your little friend.
Apple allergies aren’t common, but they can happen. Most allergic reactions aren’t problematic, but sometimes this can lead to dangerous consequences. Some of the symptoms of allergic reactions include:
- Sneezing
- Swelling
- Coughing
- Breathing difficulties
- Swelling
- Hives
- Anaphylaxis
If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your vet immediately. Even though most of these symptoms don’t seem dangerous, they can be.
In the end, you don’t want to allow your dog to stay uncomfortable.
Even if you remove the stems, core, seeds, and skin of the apple, you should still be moderate. Apples, like other fruits, are high in sugar.
Eating too much of them can make your dogs overweight. Also, this can cause problems for dogs with diabetes or cancer.
For this reason, it isn’t a bad idea to consult with your vet before introducing apples to your canine’s diet. Even if your dog is healthy, too many apples can lead to diarrhea.
And just because you know can dogs eat apples, this doesn’t mean you should give them anything apple flavored.
Apple-flavored products are typically artificially flavored and don’t offer any benefits of actual fruit. Not to mention the high amount of sugar that’s in them!
Even worse, some apple sweets contain xylitol, which might be deadly for dogs.
How Should You Give Apples to Your Dog
Now that you know the answer to the question ‘Can dogs eat apples,’ you should know how to prepare them. To make apples safe for your dog, you should:
- Wash them well
- Remove the cored
- Remove the seeds and stem
- Peel them if they’re not organic
- Cut them into small slices
This will allow your dog to eat apples without risking his health. Of course, monitor the amount he’s eating.
How many apples a dog can eat depends on its size. On average, though, your canine friend shouldn’t eat more than a slice or two of apple a day.
Can Dogs Eat Apple Cider Vinegar?
Perhaps this sounds disgusting, but dogs actually can eat apple cider vinegar. In fact, this common kitchen solution has many benefits for your dog’s health.
Raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is mostly used for helping dogs with itchy skin. At the same time, it can help lower cholesterol levels and boost the immune system.
There isn’t much research done on the benefits of apple cider vinegar. However, the results of using it are visible, and most veterinarians would suggest it.
Not to mention that vinegar is healthy for humans, as well.
Below are some of the ways apple cider vinegar is beneficial for your dog’s health.
Helps with itchy skin
Apple cider vinegar helps relieve itchy skin and rashes commonly caused by poison ivy or yeast. If you notice itchy skin changes on your dog, you should make a solution created with 50% of water.
You can apply it directly on the skin, or spray it with the spraying bottle. Don’t use this if your dog has open wounds, as vinegar will sting badly.
On the other hand, if you fear your dog has yeast problems, give apple cider vinegar orally.
Apple cider vinegar can adjust your dog’s pH value, making it impossible for the yeast to live in such an acidic environment.
It would help if you fed a quarter to a half of the teaspoon of vinegar twice a day.
If your dog doesn’t eat it on his own, add it to his favorite food or water dish.
Improves digestion
If your dog has temporary digestive issues, apple cider vinegar may help. It will increase the acid levels of the stomach, which prevents gas and burping.
Also, vinegar will encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria inside your dog’s digestive tract. It’s also a good idea to use it to help a dog suffering from constipation.
Vinegar can also help dogs battling UTI’s.
Keep in mind that it won’t cure a potent inflammation and that it should only be used as assistance. Using actual medication is the key to curing inflammatory diseases.
Good for ears
Another way apple cider vinegar can help keep your dog healthy is if you clean your dog’s ears with it. Don’t use pure vinegar – always create a 50/50 solution using purified water.
To clean his ears properly, soak cotton balls in the vinegar solution, then swab out the ears. Repeat the process until there is no more gunk appearing on the cotton ball.
Repels fleas and ticks
Apple cider vinegar is also great for removing dangerous pests, such as fleas and ticks. No matter how well you’re taking care of your dog, ticks and fleas can still appear.
Use the same 50/50 solution and spray it on your dog. It isn’t a bad idea to add some vinegar to his water or food, as well, to further increase the skin’s pH levels.
This will make existing ticks run away, and it will decrease the chances of new parasites appearing.
Read Also: Can Dogs Eat Whey Protein
Bottom Line
Can dogs eat apples and apple cider vinegar? Yes, they can! However, some precautionary measures should be taken.
Before you give this fruit to your dog, make sure you’ve washed it well, cored it, and remove the seeds.
Also, just like with any other treat, you shouldn’t go overboard. A small amount does wonders without risking harming your dog’s health.
Apple cider vinegar also has various benefits for your dog. It’s excellent for his skin, and it can relieve him from painful rashes.
It’s useful for preventing yeast infection, both on the outside and inside, in your dog’s digestive system. Not just that, but vinegar improves your dog’s overall health.
Still, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful when giving apples to your four-legged friend. Always ask your trusted vet for advice, especially if your dog has some health issues or known allergies.
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