Why Does my Cat Keep Sneezing?

Are you wondering, “why does my cat keep sneezing” too often?

As you can already imagine, cats, just like humans, sneeze, and that’s perfectly normal.

However, there are some cases where you need to consult the vet if the sneezing is very frequent.

The visit to the vet is especially urgent if you notice your indoor cat keeps sneezing blood or acting strangely.

Let’s try and cover every concern you may have when it comes to the health of your furry friend. 

Common causes of cat sneezing 

It’s completely okay for your cat to sneeze every once in a while because of something that’s irritating him/her.

Nevertheless, it’s also possible for your pet to have a cat cold (infection), as well as other health complications. 

While the majority of them require professional help, there are also some remedies that you can use at home.

These will help your cat feel better, but we will get to that later in this article.

Now let’s talk about what causes your cat to sneeze and how to recognize when it requires a visit to the vet.

These are the most frequent reasons why cats sneeze:

1. Various irritants

Most likely, your kitty will sneeze if he/she needs to remove an irritant from the nasal passages.

Those irritants can be different, and, just like humans, cats use sneezing to get rid of them.

The most frequent irritants are dust, cigarette smoke, different spices (pepper, cinnamon, and similar), strong perfumes, their own fur, etc.

Humans sneeze whenever they feel something tickling the nose, right?

Well, it’s the same for cats, too.

This is probably the answer to your question, “why does my cat keep sneezing,” but we shouldn’t exclude other causes.

Some of them can be very serious when it comes to your cat’s health.

2. Allergies


Although not very common, some cats can have allergies to certain things. Pollen is the most frequent allergen not only when it comes to humans but also animals.

You’ll probably notice your cat sneezing often around the allergens, and he/she will have watery eyes.

The best thing to do is to keep an eye on your cat. 

Try to figure out if your pet is sneezing around something new in its surroundings.

Also, monitor if the sneezing intensifies around the same objects, plants, scents, and similar.

Of course, the best solution, in that case, is to avoid keeping the allergens close to your cat.

3. Respiratory infections aka cat cold

While allergies are very rare, upper respiratory infections are frequent and are most likely the second most common cause of your cat sneezing.

Feline herpes virus and Feline calicivirus are viruses that are contagious between cats, and the symptoms get even worse if your cat is under stress.

They are easily treatable but require professional help in controlling the symptoms while your cat fights the virus.

Consulting a vet is extremely important, especially when it comes to Feline calicivirus that can cause pneumonia.

If not treated right, viruses can develop in secondary bacterial infections that get cured with antibiotics.

You don’t have to worry about you getting infected because these viruses can’t be transmitted to humans.

In order to prevent these cat colds, you should make sure your pet regularly receives vaccines against both Feline herpes virus as well as Feline calicivirus. 


4. Foreign materials

The saying “Curiosity killed the cat” isn’t accidental.

These furry creatures will love to snoop around.

As a cat owner, you probably get really worried about your pet being so curious and wanting to touch or get his/her little nose in everything.

That’s why it’s not rare for the cats to actually have something stuck in their nose. 

Your cat will often have a piece of grass or smaller plant seed inside the nose.

He/she will continue sneezing until removing what irritates him/her.

Have you been asking yourself, “why does my cat keep sneezing but seems fine?”

Well, a foreign material inside the nose may be the answer.

If you happen to see it, do not try to remove it but consult a vet. 

5. Dental disease


If you notice your cat sneezing too often followed by nasal discharge, it’s possible that your little pet has a root infection.

This infection can spread, and then the bacteria will find its place in the nasal sinus and cause the sneezing.

Other than in the nasal sinus, bacteria can also travel to other parts of the body if not treated right. 

6. Cancer 

Very rarely, excessive sneezing followed by both nasal discharge and blood is the cause of the nasal tumor.

This, of course, is very dangerous for your pet.

Unfortunately, the nasal tumor can be very difficult to discover in time. Find an expert that you trust and take your cat as soon as you notice the unusual behavior.

When to take my cat to the vet?

If you’re worried that your cat is sneezing because of something more serious than the nose itch, you should take him/her to the vet.

As said earlier, you should monitor the cat’s behavior around new things if you doubt he/she has allergies.

Having said that, there are also other symptoms that follow sneezing, and very often require professional help.

Take your cat to the vet if you notice the following:

  • Eyes or nose discharge – thick or watery; white, yellow, clear or green
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swallowing 
  • Fever
  • The third eyelid raised
  • Coughing 
  • Loss of energy

All of these symptoms are the reason to take your pet to a professional and have him/her treat the cat according to the diagnosis.

Most likely, your cat will get some shots and prescriptions to which medicine you should use.

In the case of cat cold, your cat will be given something to fight the symptoms while his/her body fights the virus. 

Your cat may be hospitalized in case he/she doesn’t want to eat or is dehydrated. In the hospital, your pet will get nutritional support and fluid therapy that will help him/her feel better.

Why does my cat keep sneezing and how to care for my cat when he/she has a cold?


Once you’re home from the vet, you need to make sure your cat is taken care of until he/she feels better.

There are some things that could help your pet with the symptoms, and I’m here to help you out! 

Here’s what you can do to make this period easier for your furry friend:

  • Clean the discharge 

It’s very important for the nose and the eyes of your cat to stay clean and free of any discharge.

You can take care of it by damping a soft cloth with warm water, you can also use a paper towel.

Clean the nose and the eyes gently without irritating them even more.

  • Moist air or steamy bathroom

Your cat will feel much better if the nasal sinuses drain.

This will alleviate discomfort at least for a bit.

Have you ever had problems with the nasal sinuses?

You probably noticed that a hot, steamy bathroom is of big help.

The same goes for your cat.

If you have a vaporizer that can produce moist air, turn it on close to your cat. You can even take the cat inside the bathroom while running the hot water under the shower to create steam.

This surely is the best cat nasal congestion home treatment.

  • Food and water

In order to fight the viruses, you must make sure your he/she is eating proper cat food regularly and drinking a lot of fresh water.

This will keep your cat strong and with enough energy to fight the cold efficiently.

  • Regular check-ups

Don’t forget to take your cat to the vet for check-ups until he/she gets well and healthy again.

There’s no need to tell you to take the pet to the vet immediately if his/her health worsens.

It’s also important to have an appointment even if your cat seems better, just in case.

Also, the vet needs to decide when to stop giving the cat the medicine, so don’t ignore the appointments. 

 Bottom Line


As you can see, the reason why your cat continues to sneeze probably isn’t serious but rather harmless.

Anyhow, you shouldn’t take these symptoms for granted and avoid going to the vet.

At the end of the day, only the professional can make sure that your cat is fine. 

Of course, if your cat sneezes rarely and you don’t notice any other symptoms, it’s probably just an itch that’s completely normal.

However, the sneezing may be too frequent and followed by discharge or anything else out of the ordinary.

Also, if your cat is sneezing and vomiting, consulting a vet is essential. 

Whichever the cause of the sneezing is, keep an eye on your cat’s behavior. Take her/him to the vet if needed, and make sure to provide sneezing cat remedies once you get back home.