Can Dogs Eat Quail Eggs?

If you are a dog owner, you already know the “hey-what’s-in-your-mouth?” dance followed by manic Googling, all too well. Dogs will try to chew or chomp down on almost everything that they get their paws on – that’s no secret. But can dogs eat quail eggs?

Once you see that your dog is trying to eat something, or chew on something, it might even be too late to prevent them from swallowing it; leaving you to hope and pray that your dog will have an okay reaction to it.

This is why it’s always good to know which human foods can be detrimental for dogs, and which foods can be good and nutritious for dogs.

For example, you might already know that chicken eggs, in moderation, are known to be good for dogs. This is because eggs are packed with protein, linoleic acid, and vitamin A, making them excellent for their coat and skin.

But are quail eggs equally good for dogs?

Can dogs eat quail eggs, even?


Shortly, yes, they can. Buying quail eggs for dogs on a regular basis is recommended in order to maintain the health of your dog. To them, it’s a tasty little snack full of nutrients. The better the nutrition of your dog is, the better your dog’s health will be. [1]

Here, we are going to get to the bottom of whether or not quail eggs should be given to dogs, as well as what the benefits and downsides of feeding quail eggs to your dog(s) are.

Facts about Quail Eggs

Quail eggs aren’t usually something that you will commonly find in just any fridge. In many parts of the world, particularly Asia and some parts of Europe, a quail egg is considered a delicacy and you can often find it as an “add-on” to certain dishes and meals. Quail eggs are known for their characteristic small size, weighing from 6 to 16 grams.

Three or four quail eggs usually equate to a normal chicken egg. However, their yolk is quite big for their size. Quail eggs, as you can assume, come from the quail bird.

The most frequent type of quail bird is the common or European quail. The quail belongs to the pheasant family and it’s a migratory bird. Usually, it breeds in the western Paleartic and winters in southern regions of India or Africa.

Their average size is 16 to 18 cm. One quail egg might be small, but it does pack a punch. Just one tiny egg can provide you with your recommended daily vitamin B12 intake, as well as selenium, B2 vitamin, and choline. Quail eggs also contain iron, zinc, magnesium, and some good fats.

All of this means that quail eggs are quite nutritious and aid the functioning of your body; all while containing 14 calories per egg. Studies have also shown that quail eggs tend to help with allergies – both for humans and dogs.

Benefits of Quail Eggs For Dogs


Just because a certain food might be great for humans, doesn’t mean that it’s great for dogs. Take avocados for example. They are a great source of potassium, contain good monounsaturated fats, rich in fiber and folate, and they taste great on a piece of toast.

However, it contains a toxin known as persin. This toxin can be found in the skin, leaves and pit of an avocado and it’s known to be dangerous for most animals.

When a dog ingests high concentrations of persin, the dog will likely start vomiting or having diarrhea shortly after, and it’s under risk for myocardial damage. Therefore, avocado is a no-no. Hence, always double-check before giving said food to your dog.

Quail eggs, on the other side, have lots of benefits for dogs. They contain good fats, which will provide your dog with the energy that it needs, vital amino acids that protect their hair, skin and muscle development, vitamins E, B2, B6 which aid the dog’s immune system, metabolism, red blood cell count, digestion, nervous system, hormone regulation, and so on. [2]

One quail egg per day should be more than enough for your dog. However, even if your dog is a large breed or extremely active, you shouldn’t give it more than two quail eggs. If you overfeed your dog with quail eggs, just know that it won’t be “extra healthy”.

Too many quail eggs will result in your dog vomiting and having digestion issues. Too much of anything, even the healthiest food, is rarely good for you. Same goes for quail eggs and dogs.

So, to answer the question “Can dogs eat quail eggs”, (if it wasn’t obvious) yes, they can. Buying quail eggs for dogs on a regular basis is recommended in order to maintain the health of your dog. To them, it’s a tasty little snack full of nutrients. The better the nutrition of your dog is, the better your dog’s health will be. [3]

Where to buy quail eggs for dogs?



Where you can buy this nutritious little egg will depend on where you live. If you live in North America, you will most commonly find quail eggs in organic or specialty grocery stores or the farmer’s market. You will also be able to find them on Facebook groups or Facebook marketplace, as well as websites like Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, etc.

It would be best if you connected with a local seller/manufacturer and bought quail eggs from them. You would be getting a cheaper price for them, all while assuring high quality standards. The price of quail eggs varies, but one thing is for sure: they are definitely more expensive than chicken eggs.

If you are located in Europe, you might even be able to find them in supermarkets, right alongside regular chicken eggs. Same goes for Asian, South American and Central American regions – where quail eggs are more commonly a distinct part of their national cuisine or local culture.

If you purchase your quail eggs at a farmer’s market or online, the price for a dozen goes from $6 to $13 (not taking shipping into account). In specialty food stores and high-end grocery stores, typically, you will find quail eggs priced from $10 to $17 per dozen. Depending on the size and quality of the egg, the price per egg can go from 30 cents to $1.50 per egg.

Things that are good for you tend to be expensive, and quail eggs aren’t exactly a cheap snack. However, almost everyone will say that the benefits of quail eggs for dogs outweigh their price. [4]

If you’re smart and manage to get the right connections, you might even find quail eggs for much cheaper prices than before mentioned. Ideally, you want to buy your quail eggs from a farmer who raises healthy and happy quails.

Feel free to ask about the birds before buying the eggs; ask about whether or not they are running around freely, if they are fed organic food, etc. Healthy quails equals healthy quail eggs.

Do Quail Eggs Have Salmonella?


Most quail eggs tend to be unpasteurized. This means that they haven’t been heated to eliminate harmful bacteria etc. that might be inside of the egg. When eggs don’t go through the process of pasteurization and are consumed raw, you are under risk of a salmonella infection. [5]

When doing research about whether or not quail eggs contain salmonella, you might come across some inconclusive results. Some people claim that quail eggs don’t contain salmonella due to the fact that they have a high concentration of lysozyme, an enzyme that helps kill bacteria.

Others claim that quail eggs don’t have salmonella due to the fact that the body temperature of a quail is higher than chickens, eliminating bacteria. [6]

While all of this lowers the chance of quail eggs having salmonella – it’s still possible. This is why you need to buy your quail eggs from a reputable and sanitary source. [7]

Otherwise known as salmonellosis, salmonella is a bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract. Salmonella bacteria most often live in human and animal intestines and it gets discharged through feces.

Your dog or you yourself could get infected with salmonella through eating contaminated food or water. Food can also get contaminated by preparing it on a contaminated surface that hasn’t been cleaned. [8]

Usually, you can get rid of salmonella relatively easily with the proper treatment (both dogs and humans). However, the danger lies in the fact that it can spread further than the intestines.

Then, salmonella can become potentially lethal. Due to the diarrhea and dehydration that salmonella causes, it is extremely dangerous for dogs. Especially if your dog is a senior dog or has a weaker immune system. [9]

Best Ways For Dogs To Eat Quail Eggs


Dogs can eat raw and cooked quail eggs, shelled or removed from the shell. Every dog breed can eat quail eggs, and both puppies and adult dogs can eat them.

The shell is where most of the calcium is concentrated, which is why it’s recommended that your dog eats the shell, too. Eating raw quail eggs will bring your dog the most benefits.

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Bottom Line

If you find raw quail eggs too risky because of the possibility of salmonella and/or other bacteria, you can also just boil the egg before feeding it to your dog. The egg will still be packed with nutrients and health benefits.

It is important to note that your dog might have slight indigestion after their first couple of quail eggs. This happens rarely, but it happens due to the fact that one small quail egg contains the same nutrients as 2.2 chicken eggs.

Another important thing to note is that if your dog is allergic to chicken eggs, they are likely allergic to quail eggs, too. You might want to test this before giving your dog a whole quail egg.

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